Since we didn’t get a chance to do any Ramadan workshops this year, we put together this quick 20 minute workshop for you to share with your kids at home. With a story about Prophet Muhammad and a song about
Sufi Comics interviews Daniel
A Rabbi’s Reflections

Book Review of The 99 Names of God by Rabbi Yonassan Gershom:
Although The 99 Names is intended for Muslim children, it’s really a treasure for all ages and faiths. In fact, it could be used as a basic primer on spirituality, and would be a fine addition to any religious library. I defy anyone to read this book and not come away with a deeper appreciation of God’s presence in the universe.
Reflections on as-Sami and al-Basir
Reflections on al-Azim, the Tremendous

with Matthew Bain
I find myself drawn to Allah’s names of majesty and wrath such as al-Azim, the Tremendous. Daniel chooses strong words and images on these pages: earthquakes, sinews, mountains, cracks and dust.
Through the cracks wrought by earthquake and mountain-splitting, there is always the leavening of light which Daniel invokes using a Leonard Cohen quote. Daniel could have gone back to Rumi for the original but it is in the spirit of this wonderful book to embrace variety and diversity wherever possible…
Mother Nature and the 99 Names

One of the aims of The 99 Names of God is to help children, parents, and teachers build a spiritual link to the natural world, making us aware that God communicates to us through nature in the most beautiful, awesome, playful, and sublime manner. Young and old are encouraged to see how we learn spiritual and ethical lessons in the natural world, how we are nourished by it inwardly and outwardly, and that outside of the human soul, it is nature that is the ultimate playground for the manifestation of Allah’s Names…
Winnie-the-Pooh and the 99 Names of Allah

One of my sweetest childhood memories is of my father in his armchair, me in his lap, my two older brothers perched on either arm of the chair. All three of us are listening to him read Winnie-the-Pooh, enchanted because he is barely able to speak from laughter at some Pooh-ism. Passages like this did it for us…
Bradford Literature Festival May 2016

We’re delighted to be presenting another storytelling session at the Bradford Literature Festival this year! With over 200 events featuring world renowned speakers, artists and authors, Bradford is the place to be from the 20th to the 29th of May! See details about our event below and others that we are proud to be supporting. Let us know if you are coming – don’t forget to book your tickets and share with your family and friends…
December Delights!

We have had a very busy December so far here at Chickpea Press. At the beginning of the month we visited Aisha Gray Henry of Fons Vitae over in Louisville, Kentucky. Fons Vitae are publishing an Islamic curriculum for children based around the works of Al-Ghazali. This important work introduces children to the beauty of genuine Islam, with a focus on attending to the inner aspect of the heart, on compassion, tolerance and spiritual insight. Check out their Launchgood page and become a part of this amazing project…
Inspiring Interfaith Workshops
Portraying Shams
Festival update and workshops

We had a wonderful time at the Bradford Literature Festival. The storytelling sessions were kicked off by Rabbi Shoshana Boyd Gelfand, author of The Barefoot Book of Jewish Tales, a beautiful book that captivated us all (we’ll be hearing more from her soon we hope!). Then we presented stories and songs from Sufi Tales. We had an excellent, engaged audience with children and parents joining in the singing…
Bradford Literature Festival

We are proud to be supporting the Bradford Literature Festival, taking place from the 15th to the 24th of May. The festival will be celebrating the written and spoken word and showcasing the intimate relationship between words and art forms such as film, theatre and music, set against the city’s distinctive backdrop. With over 150 events featuring world renowned speakers, artists and authors…
Valentine’s Day Showcase

We are so excited to be attending Rumi’s Circle event this Saturday with Mahmoud Mostafa who will be speaking about The Spiritual Practice of Rumi! We will be showcasing sample pages from The 99 Names of Allah and answering questions. Join us for wonderful reflections and company – your evening is still free for romantic plans!