Daniel will be speaking at this unique event next month, honouring the sacred feminine. He will be showcasing material from The 99 Names of God, sharing his experience of working with the Divine Names of Beauty and Majesty, and his exploration of the teachings of female saints and mystics…
The goal is in sight!
Winnie-the-Pooh and the 99 Names of Allah

One of my sweetest childhood memories is of my father in his armchair, me in his lap, my two older brothers perched on either arm of the chair. All three of us are listening to him read Winnie-the-Pooh, enchanted because he is barely able to speak from laughter at some Pooh-ism. Passages like this did it for us…
Portraying Shams
Bradford Literature Festival

We are proud to be supporting the Bradford Literature Festival, taking place from the 15th to the 24th of May. The festival will be celebrating the written and spoken word and showcasing the intimate relationship between words and art forms such as film, theatre and music, set against the city’s distinctive backdrop. With over 150 events featuring world renowned speakers, artists and authors…