Chickpea Press aims to facilitate the publication of engaging, contemporary and imaginative books and resources, drawing inspiration from the great spiritual traditions of the world loans-cash.net . We believe there are many paths to God, and even whilst making a whole-hearted devotion to one, we may benefit from a sharing of hearts and stories by all.
We aim to:
- help create resources that nurture spirituality
- promote a holistic, creative and heart-based approach to education
- foster a sense of unity and interdependence between people of different faiths, races, and cultures
- cultivate an awareness of the equality of women and men
- encourage reverence and respect for the natural world.

Daniel Thomas Dyer
Creative Director
Daniel has worked in the children’s and educational publishing industry for some of the UK’s largest publishers, including Pearson and HarperCollins. He has also taught English to children and adults in the UK and abroad. His skills include editing, design, and production.

Saimma Dyer
Commercial Director
Saimma has worked for some of the biggest publishers in the UK, and also in education and the charity sector. With a combined background in sales and marketing, operational management and events planning, she excels at manifesting visions.
Our name came into being from the wisdom of Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi – and we also love a good chickpea curry!
Boil Nicely Now
Look at the chickpea in the pot,
how it leaps up when it feels the fire.
While boiling, it continually rises to the top
and cries, “Why are you setting the fire under me?
Since you bought me, why are you turning me upside down?”
The housewife keeps hitting it with the ladle.
“No!” she says, “boil nicely now,
and don’t leap away from the one who makes the fire.
It’s not because you are hateful to me that I boil you,
but so that you might gain flavor,
and become nutritious and mingle with essential spirit.
This affliction is not because you are despised.
When you were green and fresh,
you were drinking water in the garden;
that water-drinking was for the sake of this fire.”
[Mevlana Rumi’s Mathnawi III, 4159–4165
translated by Kabir and Camille Helminski]